Marquette University
Wild Commons Residence Hall

Creative Direction :: Environmental Design

Milwaukee, WI

Marquette University is building their first residence hall in 50 years and they wanted to make this experience truly memorable. LP/w was asked to create an environmental branding program that included a donor wall, narrative displays and brand statements. To tie these disparate elements, we created a pattern system based on the Jesuit quote “Go Forth and Set the World On Fire.” This quote, about spreading goodwill and faith, is represented by the single graphic element that combines into three icons representing the Holy Trinity, from there a graphic pattern seen throughout the public spaces.

Marquette, University, Education, Environmental, Graphics, Donor wall, Experience, Design, Pattern, Metal, Wild Commons
Marquette, University, Education, Environmental, Graphics, Donor wall, Experience, Design, Pattern, Metal, Wild Commons

To tie these disparate elements, we created a pattern system based on the Jesuit quote “Go Forth and Set the World On Fire.” This quote, about spreading goodwill and faith, is represented by the single graphic element that combines into three icons representing the Holy Trinity, from there a graphic pattern seen throughout the public spaces.

Fabrication by Spolar Studios

Marquette, University, Education, Environmental, Graphics, Donor wall, Experience, Design, Pattern, Metal, Wild Commons
Marquette, University, Education, Environmental, Graphics, Donor wall, Experience, Design, Pattern, Metal, Wild Commons
Marquette, University, Education, Environmental, Graphics, Donor wall, Experience, Design, Pattern, Metal, Wild Commons

Copyright 2018
LP/ws Design Studios 
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