Marquette University
College of Communication

Creative Direction / Environmental Design

Milwaukee, WI

The College of Communication at Marquette University asked LP/ws to craft the brand experience for Johnston Hall. In addition to creating a fitting tribute to some of their most important benefactors, the program included creating obvious landmarks for tour waiting areas and displays that could be read or used as cues for tour guides. 

Marquette, University, Education, Environmental, Graphics, Donor wall, Experience, Design, Pattern, Metal, College of Communication
MU_COC_Diederich Hall_Front_Tour_R5
Marquette, University, Education, Environmental, Graphics, Donor wall, Experience, Design, Pattern, Metal, College of Communication

The environmental graphics components included an interactive display that gives directional information and highlights activities throughout Johnston Hall.

Marquette, University, Education, Environmental, Graphics, Donor wall, Experience, Design, Pattern, Metal, College of Communication

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LP/ws Design Studios 
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